What Is Your Perspective of Who You Are?
Are you a health service there to provide people what they want (i.e., quick relief)? Or…
Do you see yourself as someone with a unique perspective on important issues that can improve people’s lives for the better?
Do you see your work as trying to fit your service into the mainstream mindset? Or…
Do you see your work as sharing new ideas and attracting people who align with your ideas and unique perspectives (and want more of it)?
Before you answer the questions above, remember one fundamental truth…
You can’t get away from “doing the work.”
The only question is: which “work” would you rather do?
Would you prefer to live your life doing the work of marketing yourself as a commodity, selling a service people can get in many different places, in many different ways? (Remember: Relief is often a matter of choosing the most convenient location, the fastest service, and the best price.)
Would you prefer to live doing the work of sharing your unique perspective with as many people as you can, building a direct-to-consumer relationship so you can continually share your latest news and views with those who care about what you have to say?
You “market” to the Mainstream Market.
You “unmarket” to the UPstream Market.
Mainstream market is people who are actively seeking your services. Hi, I can help you feel better now. It’s affordable. Yes, we’ll take your insurance. No, there’s nothing to be afraid of.
UPstream market is everyone who could potentially be a patient/client/member of your practice, but who isn’t actively seeking your services in this moment. They’re not part of the 1% o f the mainstream market actively seeking your services in the moment. They are part of the 99% who might be open to your services — if only they knew more about how you can help them solve a problem.
Do you feel like you are a commodity appealing to the mainstream market, or are you a trained organic health professional and human performance expert who is passionate about sharing your unique perspectives with as many people as you can?