How to Get Them to Want to Click “See First”
You don’t get a second chance to make a great first impression. When people come to your practice’s Facebook page, you want to make sure they are impressed and inspired to like your page and engage with your community.
The way to do this is to start by welcoming people with a sense of pride, with a sense of purpose. Your practice’s Facebook page is not just a marketing tool. It’s not just a place where you can share your discounts, special offers, announcements, and gimmicks.
It’s a valuable resource. A community. Your community. Your tribe.
The most significant difference between “My practice has a Facebook page” and “My practice has a Facebook page that WORKS” is how your page welcomes people and what action steps you encourage them to take.
Here’s how: “Opt-inize” your practice’s Facebook welcome experience.
This is an essential step toward success. Opt-in means that people willingly choose to take an action that allows you to follow up with them. If you’ve ever signed up for a newsletter, ebook, or any other information or gift in exchange for your email address, you’ve “opted-in.”
We’re doing the same thing on social media. This is why I currently focus on Facebook as your primary communication hub. You can invite people to “Like,” “Follow,” and “See First.”
That means when people follow this sequence, they are authorizing Facebook to prioritize ALL of your Facebook page posts to appear in their Facebook Newsfeed FIRST whenever you’ve posted something new.
Start the process by updating your Facebook page cover image/video, which is a visual piece of content that sits at the top of your practice’s Facebook page.
It takes up almost a quarter of the screen on most desktop browsers. Sometimes called a Facebook banner, this graphic is the most visible and noticeable part of your page on both mobile and desktop. It is the first thing people see when they visit your Facebook page.
- Update your practice’s Facebook cover image/video: Use a banner, video, or image that gives your Facebook tribe a feeling and emotion that is aligned with your brand and your message.
- Give a specific call to action. Invite them to like your page and subscribe to your tribe. That means that they not only click the “Like” button but also click “Follow” and “See First.”
Fill out the form below to get a free cover video and pinned post for your Facebook Page.
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Important: This is the primary goal of this step. It’s the social media version of someone opting-in to your practice’s email newsletter, only better. When they click “See First,” you get 100 percent of those people to see 100 percent of your posts 100 percent of the time with zero dollars spent.
How do you get them to want to click “See First?”
Inspire them to.
Give your ideal audience something they want, and you’ll earn the right to share with them what they need.